Check if the changes have been accepted by the switchboard

The asynchronous communication mechanism between the PBX and the web configurator often means that the configurations saved by the administrator and sent by the configurator to the PBX are not acknowledged at the very moment of the administrator’s confirmation as one or more modified entities are currently in use by the system. . In this section it is therefore possible to monitor the status of transactions and pending configurations between server and configurator: the purpose is to avoid, for example during the test or debug phases, that the server has not yet received the latest configurations sent by the administrator frustrating the tests.

UCloud platform

Sincronia UCloud

In the UCloud platform, it is possible to monitor the status of various PBX services. An advanced filter allows you to limit the results shown on the screen. Each single entry contains additional hidden information (in case of need for advanced support) which can be shown by clicking on the Add_Contact_Icon button.

On Premises Platform

In case some changes have not yet been loaded from the PBX, they will be listed on this page; otherwise the page will only show the message “the PBX is synchronized with the current configuration”.

Monitoraggio sincronia

The page is updated in real time and the number of elements in the table depends on the degree of use of the switchboard. By positioning on the orange dot it will be possible to check what operation the PBX is doing.

The monitoring page is static by default. To activate the automatic update (every 2 seconds) click on the refresh32-on button (initially gray) located at the top of the page.