GDPR panel – data portability

In this article we will see how to ensure data portability and the right to be forgotten regarding the personal data that the VOIspeed switchboard collects and stores on the users and on the contacts in its address book.

In the Configuration -> GDPR section, by selecting the Data portability item it is possible to retrieve all the data that the switchboard has stored on a given user or on a certain telephone number that in some way has contacted us by telephone, in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation EU / 2016/679 – art. 20.

Let’s see in detail what can be done in this section:

      1. Contact type: with this item it is possible to choose whether to request the data contained in the switchboard for a user or an external telephone number;
      2. User selection / External number: based on the previous choice, here you can select the user whose data in the switchboard is to be obtained (directly from the list of users in the switchboard itself) or the external number of the information requestor;
      3. Delete data: by acting on this flag you can decide whether, following the export of the data, you also want to delete them. Obviously, the deletion of data will take place in compliance with the general settings relating to the permanence of the same configured in the Reporting section of the GDPR panel (see GDPR panel – reporting)