How the VOIspeed UCloud architecture works

With VOIspeed UCloud, TeamSystem Communication is now able to offer the world’s first peer-to-peer cloud telephony solution, the result of a long process of development and refinement. VOIspeed UCloud is based on an architecture specifically designed for the operation of the telephone service on the cloud; the need to think no longer of a monolithic switchboard but of a distributed system of services and processes has led to the development of a single solution.
UCloud has a structure that allows all elements of the telephone service to communicate with each other through services created specifically to work independently and, at the same time, keep the entire system and all its states consistent. The result is an absolutely functional system where each element is a cog in a highly organized and redundant overall machine.  Achieving this revolutionary architecture required a profound transformation of the telephone system, which has become a complex of different processes maintained and organized between them by two fundamental services, In.Ge. and Ser.I. : the first manages the interface between the central DB of the installations, the various machines used to operate the PBXs, DBs and configurators of the individual switchboards and the BE for access to their administration; the second deals with interfacing the individual installations with the UI of the users that compose them and with the development environments for third-party system integrators.