Configure VOIspeed 4 as a SIP gateway for VOIspeed 6

It is possible to instruct VOIspeed 6 (On-Premises) to use the Hardware resources (e.g. ISDN cards, and any SIP Gateway) connected to a VOIspeed 4 server: to do this, the VOIspeed 4 PBX must be configured as the SIP GATEWAY of the VOIspeed 6.

Note: the two VOIspeed PBXs must be identified by different IP addresses: therefore, if they reside in the same server machine, a second IP address must be added to the server PC to be assigned to the new PBX.

The procedure is the following:

  1. Create a user in VOIspeed 4 with an extension number preferably corresponding to the company number. Since there is a 6-digit limit in the maximum length of VOIspeed 4 extensions, it is advisable to enter the last 6 digits of your company number.
  2. Activate in the advanced user properties Enable 183 progress, Enable DTMF Notification and Use Half Frame.
  3. Create a VoIP gateway in VOIspeed 6 with authentication to the VOIspeed 4 user

Assuming you already have VOIspeed 4 (latest stable version released) installed and your company number is 0733811720, here’s what to do:

VOIspeed configurations 4

Create a new VOIspeed 4 user with the following data:

Name: Voispeed6
Internal: 811720
Usernane: voispeed6
Password: user811720
Enable 183 progress: enabled
Enable Notification DTMF: enabled
Usa Half Frame: enabled

In the confPBX.ini file, add the following lines:


In the System configuration – Numbering, create the following mapping of the company number in the extension number of the user Voispeed 4: 0733811720811720

VOIspeed configurations 6

Create a new gateway in VOIspeed 6:

  1. Set the gateway parameters in accordance with the credentials of the Voispeed6 user created in VOIspeed 4:
    1. Company: Current company (required if you are a super administrator)
    2. Name and description: Enter a short name and a convenient description (eg Gateway Voispeed4)
    3. Typology: VoIP
    4. Lines: Choose the number of lines available through this gateway
    5. Exit number: Username (provided by the operator)
    6. Enabled: Yes
    7. Proxy: enter the IP address of the VOIspeed 4 server (it must be a different IP than the one used by VOIspeed 6)
    8. Domain: enter the IP address of the VOIspeed 4 server (it must be a different IP than the one used by VOIspeed 6)
    9. SIP id: is the number with which the VOIspeed 6 server presents itself to the gateway (e.g. 811720) and must coincide with the user extension created in VOIspeed 4.
    10. Authentication Required: Yes
    11. Realm: enter the word “voispeed”
    12. Username / Password: credentials of the user created in VOIspeed 4 (eg: voispeed6 / user811720)
    13. Authentication period: 60
  2. Save the configuration
  3. Check in the gateway monitor that the newly created gateway is correctly authenticated and active (green status LED)
  4. Configure the rules for outgoing calls in the LCR so that the desired prefixes (e.g. 0, 1, 3) use the Voispeed4 gateway for outgoing calls
  5. Create a company number equal to the extension number of the VOIspeed 4 user (e.g. 811720) and set up routing rules to manage incoming calls

Note: Repeat this process for each business number or hardware gateway you intend to use in VOIspeed 4, if you need to know which business number was called. Otherwise, all company numbers can be mapped to the same VOIspeed 4 extension. This is particularly impactful in cases where there is a direct dialing service. A V4 user (with its own exit number) and the corresponding V6 gateway must be created for each direct dialing number. Each V6 user who wants to go outside with his own number will have to use his own gateway

It is advisable to have other Hardware gateways (eg V-6019, GSM, etc.) communicate directly with VOIspeed 6, avoiding going through VOIspeed 4, since there is no longer any need. Only the ISDN lines will continue to be managed by VOIspeed 4. Obviously in this case the rules for outgoing calls (LCR) must be set in the PBX VOIspeed 6