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Customize the appearance of your VOIspeed UI phone

In this section we will see how to customize the appearance of our UI; clicking on the button and then accessing the Appearance section you can view a series of settings that allow us to customize some fields displayed on the panel of our UI and its dominant colors.

In particular:

  • Choose the gateways to view

    in this section you can decide which gateways (by category) to display on your UI. Viewing the gateways is useful because it allows you to instantly check the occupation of telephone lines in real time in order to check whether, at the time of making a call, there are or are no lines available for its routing.

  • Additional tabs
    in this section it is possible to decide whether or not to display two particular tabs, the use of which is not strictly necessary for the functionality of the UI and which, therefore, may not be of interest to all users. The tabs in question are:

    • Users Tab:  this is the tab containing all the contacts of their colleagues, divided by departments;
    • Parking lines tab: in this case you can decide whether or not to display the tab for managing the parking lines (if they are used and correctly configured in the switchboard).
  • Change theme
    here you can change the dominant color of the UI (selection and activation color) with respect to the default on.


When viewing gateways is enabled, they will appear at the bottom of the main section of the UI providing the following information:

  • gateway name
  • number of lines occupied out of the total available *

*in the case of available lines, the displayed value is the one set in the gateway configuration (section Configuration –>Gateway)