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Generic configuration of IP device or SIP software client

In this article we will see how to proceed with the configuration for operation with the VOIspeed UCloud of a generic SIP device or a SW client compatible with the SIP protocol; the necessary preliminary operation is to carry out the self-provisioning procedure for generic devices, following the guided procedure found here.

To carry out a correct configuration of the device locally, simply follow the instructions given in the .txt file that you will get through the self-provisioning procedure.

In particular, the file contains the user access credentials and the address and domain of the switchboard that you will need to set in the IP device or in the client software; in case of configuration of a third-party software client, it may be necessary to enable on any firewall present on the PC where the SW is running the traffic for the UDP port indicated as Local IP Port in the .txt file obtained following provisioning.

The same thing applies to any antivirus, on which a rule must be created that allows the execution of the SW and enables it to use the network connection on the PC. For these last indications it is necessary to refer to the specific documentation and guides of the firewalls and antivirus in use.