A VoIP operator provides telephone lines in Voice over IP (VoIP) technology, thanks to which conversations travel on a data network (in jargon: packet-switched) rather than on traditional physical lines (in jargon: circuit-switched). The VoIP operator chooses whether to bring companies a traditional telephone socket (as does Telecom, Vodafone, Fastweb and others), or provide a VoIP account through which the customer subscribes to the service his own switchboard (as for example, Timenet, Messagenet, VoipVoice, TWT, and others). In the first case there will be a need for a physical gateway with which to interface with telephone sockets, in the second case nothing will be needed: the use of the lines will take place exclusively via “network”.
For the VOIspeed switchboard, a VoIP operator corresponds to the second category of the operators mentioned.
From the Settings – Gateway menu, add a new gateway and set the parameters as follows:
Typology: VoIP
Name (required): convenience name (will be shown in the call statistics)
Lines: indicates the maximum number of calls (incoming and outgoing) handled by the gateway. In the case of VoIP operators, there is no physical limit to the number of calls, other than the capacity of the internet connection, therefore it is advisable to size this value to a “reasonable” value. Output number: it is the geographical number with which the VOIspeed switchboard appears on outgoing calls. The possibilities are:
- “Username (provided by the operator)”: to use the VoIP account username indicated below, the operator will then show the correct exit number; static or the personal exit number of each user (specified by the caller) which must be configured in the user’s profile.
- Static: to always show up with the same number. Attention: the number in question must be one of the geographic numbers provided by the operator and / or certified on your account.
- Specified by the caller: the exit number will be the one set in the profile of each user (which must therefore be configured on all).
In the SIP Parameters section, configure the VoIP account data:
Proxy: IP address or domain of the operator (eg: sbc.voipvox.it, sip.messagenet.it, etc.).
Domain: if not specified by the operator, indicate the same value as the proxy field.
Username: account username.
RTP Flow Tracker: valid only for VoIP Operators: activate only if the operator supports peer to peer communications between terminals, when the PBX does not pass RTP flows, but only SIP signals.
Requires registration: set Yes if the account requires registration.
Realm: if not indicated by the operator, enter the same value as the proxy field.
Authentication username: account username.
Password: account password. |
Authentication period: indicate the minimum value allowed by the operator (it is not recommended to go below 60 seconds). |
At the end of the configuration, save the settings with OK and go to the Monitor the gateways page to check if the registration was successful.