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How VOIspeed UCloud works – scenarios

With VOIspeed UCloud, TeamSystem Communication is now able to offer the world’s first peer-to-peer cloud telephony solution, the result of a long process of development and refinement. In fact, VOIspeed UCloud is the first cloud telephony solution that allows you to reuse your traditional telephone lines (ISDN, analog, GSM), optimizing voice quality and ensuring stability to your communications.

VOIspeed UCloud and traditional telephone lines

In the example of the image, the communication between the company or office headquarters (that is, the equipment for the management of the lines and the telephones) and the switchboard in the cloud is limited only to the signaling necessary to initiate the call or to manage its routing.

For the rest, the actual communication remains confined to the relevant office without therefore having to go through the cloud switchboard, thus avoiding occupying internet bandwidth.

This means enjoying important advantages:

  • minimum bandwidth occupation
  • no need for additional connectivity dedicated to telephony
  • no obligation to switch to VoIP and pass numbers to other telephone operators
  • greater security in communication

VOIspeed UCloud and calls between extensions

Even in the case of calls between extensions, the revolutionary technology of VOIspeed UCloud is unique in its kind.

While in any other cloud telephony solution, a call between extensions needs to make the voice traffic travel through the internet, in the example of the image we see how the audio / video communication between the extension phones and the cloud switchboard is limited only to signaling necessary to initiate the call or manage its routing.

As in the case of the use of traditional lines, the actual communication remains confined to the relevant office without therefore having to go through the cloud switchboard thus avoiding to occupy internet bandwidth.

VOIspeed UCloud and remote offices

With VOIspeed UCloud the management of remote offices or remote users is extremely simple; in a scenario that contemplates this arrangement, it is sufficient to create a single UCloud switchboard to which all the offices can be associated. Each site will be easily distinguishable from the others (through the separation into departments) and will continue to use its local lines without problems, enjoying the advantages of peer-to-peer on call.

The further advantage will be that of having, however, a single logical structure that will be able to share the information in the address book and the status of all extensions; where necessary it will also be possible to configure the possibility of using unified telephone lines, mixed response groups (ie composed of users from geographically separate locations) and creating ad hoc routing rules for any conceivable scenario.

VOIspeed UCloud and VoIP telephone lines

Obviously VOIspeed UCloud also allows you to manage VoIP telephone lines without problems; in this scenario, however, the UCloud switchboard comes into play as a centralizer of telephone traffic.

In the example of the image, the incoming and outgoing telephone calls for the reference office are conveyed through the internet connection of the office to and from the VOIspeed UCloud switchboard which then takes care of forwarding signals and voice traffic to the VoIP operator in use.