Make a conference

To make a conference of at least three users, at least two calls must be established. You start with a call with the first interlocutor, then you must put it on hold and make a new one to the second interlocutor. As soon as the second call is established, the GUI shows the following status: Due Chiamate in corso


At this point, to conference the second party, press the buttonAvvia Conferenza. The GUI will switch to the following state:
6.4 GUIHTML Button X Exit from the conference: the user who established the conference can eject the interlocutors (by clicking on the button of the corresponding interlocutor or self-ejecting (in this case the others would remain in the conference)
6.4 GUIHTML Button Chatpng Send a chat message only to the corresponding interlocutor.
6.4 GUiHTML Pausa Pause (wait) for your own audio channel (the others continue to converse). Useful for example to make another call and invite another Conference user


It is possible to join an interlocutor in the conference also with a Drag & Drop1 of his call over the waiting call (or over an already established conference, if it is a question of adding other interlocutors after the second). To do this, just drag the call with the yellow outline over the one on hold: the message on the side will appear, where the box with an orange hatched border has active buttons (those in the upper box are deactivated). Drag & Drop
At this point, simply press the buttonAvvia Conferenzato create the conference. Otherwise press 6.4 GUIHTML Inoltro Cieco to forward the call. The button 6.4 GUIHTML Button X cancels the operation and returns to the starting situation with the first call on hold and the second in progress.

1:  to use drag & drop it is necessary to enable it in advance in the Appearance-> section..