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Monitor the usage status of telephone lines

This section displays the status of the gateways, i.e. the resources used to make and receive calls. Each line of the monitor represents the status of a gateway. This is the section to open to monitor the usage status of the telephone lines

Monitoraggio gateway

The data displayed in the table are as follows:

Company Name of the company to which the gateway is associated
Tipe Type VoIP, WAN, ISDN, Analogue Line, ISDN, GSM
Name Name (description) we entered when creating the gateway
Socket IP address and port assigned to the gateway
Realm Realm of the authentication server. Important: in the case of a VoIP account, this field shows the value of the Realm EXPECTED by the operator (this value is extracted from the packets sent by the operator in response to the PBX’s SIP Register request. If the gateway does not register, check that you have entered this same string in the Realm field of the account configuration (Settings Menu –> Gateway).
Lines Indicates how many lines are occupied on those available. The box is red if at least one line is busy.
Status Shows whether the login from the PBX to the gateway was successful (but verde) or not ( but grigio)
Enables Indica se il gateway è abilitato o no
Show / hide shared users Valid only on WAN routes: allows you to show / hide (user plus / user minus) (user plus / user minus) the users of a remote VOIspeed 6 PBX shared on the WAN route and view some information (Department / Name / Surname / Extension / State):Monitoraggio wan
Show Diagnostics By pressing the diag button diag you can directly access the diagnostics gateway in the diagnostics section
Actions details Shows details the gateway details

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