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Outlook integration and add-in deactivation

In some cases it may happen that Outlook ™ arbitrarily deactivates the additional component (plugin) v_outlook.dll which integrates with the VOIspeed GUI / UI. Since there is absolute variability in the machines, both in hardware and software, the phenomenon is not systematic and it is therefore very difficult to establish the reason for the deactivation; sometimes the phenomenon can even be classified as an extemporaneous problem.

In fact, Outlook ™, since 2013, performs an evaluation of the loading times of plugins at startup and deactivates those that are too “slow” based on internal criteria.

To avoid this behavior, you need to add an entry in the registry. The path is (for Outlook 2016 ™):
HKCU \ Software \ Microsoft \ Office \ 16.0 \ Outlook \ Resiliency \ DoNotDisableAddinList

and the key to add:
VSoutlook.VSoutlook_call, type DWORD32, value 1

When finished, restart Outlook ™.

Furthermore, if the plugin works only with Outlook running as administrator, simply copy the v_outlook.dll plugin in the folder C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ AddIns, folder that is proposed during the selection phase of the plugin (clearly changes by user).
So by removing the v_outlook.dll component from the add-on management and adding it again from the mentioned folder, everything works even without administrator permissions.