Reporting of the registrations of the VOIspeed switchboard

The VOIspeed switchboard allows you to systematically record both incoming and outgoing calls without the voluntary intervention of users or a voicemail box. The default registration status is disabled, and can be enabled in each individual routing rule by configuring the relevant functionality in the GDPR panel (see GDPR Panel – Reporting).

Recordings of this type can only be downloaded from this area, and cannot be sent in any other way. For their consultation it is therefore necessary to access this area as a company administrator (see the chapter on configuring switchboard administrators).

6.5 PBX report registrazioni audio

The information contained in this section is as follows:

Date time Date and time of the recording
Duration Duration of the recording
Caller Caller’s number
Called Number of the called party
Audio file Activate Player for listening (audio) / Download file (download)
ID Unique ID of the call (to be used in diagnostics if necessary)
Actions Show details (details)

It is possible to trace the recordings by means of an advanced filter

N.B. La registrazione delle chiamate, assieme alle registrazioni risultanti dai messaggi in casella vocale aziendale, sono sottoposte ad un sistema di backup periodico che si attiva al raggiungimento di 2Gb di occupazione per singola company e al massimo 1 volta al mese; i backup generati eliminano i file da UCloud e vengono inviati via mail all’amminsitratore e a tutti i power-user del centralino. Essi restano scaricabili per 1 mese  partire dal giorno della prima segnalazione.