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System Monitoring

On startup, the PBX initializes a series of interfaces. The interfaces are those related to the functioning of the GUI (software and HTML5), of the SIP protocol, of the WAN protocol and of the WEB server.

The System section monitoring keeps track of information on the successful initialization of the PBX’s basic interfaces.

Information displayed:

PBX Start Date Time Service start date/time
PBX Version Version of the PBX currently running
Public IP Public IP of the PBX. IP to contact for remote users or WAN routes, except in the case of a VPN
Maintenance mode Indicates whether maintenance mode is active, with which the PBX inhibits the sending and receiving of calls.
Last Keep Alive ndicates the last time the PBX shows up for the configurator; it does this every 5 seconds and serves as a control on the configurator side of the status of the PBX. For example, if more than 10 seconds pass, the configurator would set the PBX status to blocked
Interface and socket information Shows the status of the different interfaces of the PBX together with the IP address: port to which they are associated, to check if necessary which ports and IPs the GUIs and terminals must refer to. Each interface has a link to the diagnostics for any more in-depth analysis.