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User account configuration

To access the GUI configurations, click on the configuration buttonicon setting and go to the User – Account section.

6.5 GUI account utente The parameters to be entered for user authentication on the VOIspeed 6 server are as follows:

  1. Username: user for authentication in the user @ domino format (where “dominio” is the corporate domain of the PBX)
  2. Password: password assigned to the user
  3. Internal: telephone extension number associated with the user
  4. Server 1 URL: IP_address of the main_server: 5063 (required)
  5. Server 2 URL: IP_address of the secondary_server: 5063 (optional)
  6. Auto login at startup: allows the GUI to log in automatically at startup
  7. Set the absent status on logout: by disabling the GUI, the user status is absent and therefore all of its terminals can no longer receive or make calls
  8. Password change: allows the user to change their GUI access password (does not affect the password of their terminals)

Note 1: the secondary server is useful when you often need to change the address to reach your server. For example, in the case of mobility: when the user is in his office, he will use the local IP address of the server, while when he is out of office, he will use the public IP address of the server configured in the “Server URL 2” section. In this way it will not be necessary to manually change the IP of the server every time the user leaves and returns to his office. The GUI will automatically attempt to login on URL 1 and in case of failure it will attempt on URL 2 (if any).

Note 2: VOIspeed 6 uses a mechanism for updating the status of users by means of a SIP subscription (subscribe) to the VOIspeed server. Each GUI then performs an individual point-to-point subscription to the server to request and obtain this service. Since this mechanism does not require the sending of information via a broadcast, the IP address associated with the GUI can be on a separate subnet from that of the server, as long as there is a router in the network with a route between the two subnets.