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How to manage user terminals in the VOIspeed UCloud switchboard

In this article we will see how to manage the user terminals in the VOIspeed switchboard. The user terminals allow you to create an element of the switchboard associated with each device (physical or SW) that the user will want to use as his own telephone, connected to his own extension.

The importance and meaning of the terminals in the structure of the VOIspeed switchboard have been analyzed in a specific article (see  VOIspeed UCloud and terminals).

By accessing this table, it will be possible to view the already existing terminals. The list can be filtered based on:

  1. Utente: allows you to view only the terminals associated with the particular user chosen
  2. Hotdesking: allows you to decide to see only the hot desking terminals created or the complete list of all terminals

From the button it is possible to aerate a new terminal. Let’s see the configurable features of the generic terminal.

  • Tipo: allows you to choose the type of physical device that will be associated with the terminal being created. This value only determines the type of icon that will be displayed on the user UI in correspondence with the device logged in with the credentials defined by this terminal;
  • Tipo terminale: by choosing associated with a user, a terminal will be created to allow the login of a device in the name of a given user. Alternatively, you can choose the Hotdesking item which will create a hot desking terminal (see: How to manage hot desking terminals) How to manage hot desking terminals)
  • Desription: allows you to specify a string that will appear on the display of the device configured for the given terminal;
    • Accept connection from: here you can decide whether the switchboard should accept connections with terminal credentials from any IP address or not. The importance of this field is linked to the level of security that you want to give to the system: if, in fact, you decide to limit access to the login upon the arrival of requests from a certain set of IPs (defined by the offices as described in the article Define a company headquarters) the system will not accept the login of terminals that present themselves with correct credentials but that come from IP addresses outside the decided range;
  • Click-to-dial supported: set to yes if the terminal supports click-to-dial (see List of VOIspeed terminals that support click-to-dial);
  • Auto-answer supported: set to yes if the terminal supports auto-answer;
  • MAC address: here you can enter the MAC address of the terminal, if you already know which device you want to connect via the terminal being configured, to then simplify the self-provisioning of the same.

As it can be seen from the description of the parameters above, the creation of the terminal does not require the explicit choice of login credentials that are assigned univocally by the system; this to ensure the highest level of safety.

After creation, however, by entering the terminal modification, it is possible to change the default password given by the system and to know the username of the terminal.

From the terminal table, by selecting a terminal, the magic wand icon appears from which you can:

  1. Associate the terminal with a user: with this option it is possible to associate different terminals to a given user in a block;
  2. Generate configuration files for selected terminals: with this option you can provision the selected terminal (s).