CRM: Today


After logging in to the application, the main Today page is displayed.

This page provides a summary of the main and most recent information in the CRM. It is structured in various parts:

Navigation panel
Summary panels (activities, appointments, opportunities, messages)
Opportunity dashboard
Individual performance dashboard
Timeline (last entries / changes)


Multifunction bar

Barra multifunzione

The ribbon integrates an intelligent search with voice commands, four buttons (activities, appointments, opportunities, messages) that also work as counters (respectively for: to-do, appointments in the next 7 days, active opportunities, messages to read), a settings button and a button to exit the application.

Tabbed navigation panel

pannello navigazione a schede

The tabbed navigation panel allows you to move within the CRM

Summary panels

Pannelli riassuntivi

The summary panels show the respective counts and allow you to go to the respective list or enter new information

Opportunity dashboard

The opportunity dashboard provides information regarding the current month or the previous month, optionally by clicking on the buttons.

Individual performance dashboard

CRM performance individuali

CRM individual performance

The individual performance dashboard shows the current values ​​for the selected user of the sales force indicators that have been configured in the appropriate section, which can be reached by clicking on the dashboard title or, alternatively, from the report page.


The Timeline shows a list of information that has been recently added / changed, in descending order, from newest to oldest. Each of them is clickable and viewable in detail.

To-do and latest messages received are variants of Timeline.