Configuration of the VOIspeed switchboard step by step

As for the UCloud environment, in this case there is no proprietary physical machine where to install This is a practical in-depth guide for configuring the VOIspeed 6 switchboard.

The following article will therefore show criteria and suggestions for a correct basic configuration of a VOIspeed server. Before moving on to the actual configuration, the switchboard must exist! The switchboard creation procedure differs according to the technological platform chosen for the switchboard (UCloud, On Premises, Cloud).

Creation of the switchboard for the UCloud platform

In UCloud and Cloud environments, there is no installation phase for a PBX software since the architecture is already installed and active at the Teamsystem Communication infrastructures. Therefore it will be necessary to follow a simple Wizard as indicated on this page.

Creation of the switchboard the On Premises platform

In this case you have your own machine locally (physical or virtual), therefore you need to prepare the VOIspeed Server software. After installing the setup, the first switchboard company must be created. To do this, registration of the software license is required, obtained from your own reserved area of ​​the VOIspeed site, which must be entered as super administrators in the section dedicated to companies. At this point, the “macro container” of all the resources and entities of the company will be created.
It is worth configuring the various parameters related to the company already now, the most important of which is the company domain and the SMTP mail server used by the PBX for sending voicemail messages and notifications to users.

Switchboard configuration

At this point you have a switchboard ready to be configured, so let’s start with the configuration and the basic notions necessary to understand what to do.

Entities managed by the VOIspeed server

By entity we mean a “resource” made available by the switchboard. For example, ring groups, transponders, corporate voicemail boxes, timetables, gateways, and so on. These entities are essentially the basic functional “blocks” on which the switchboard rests, but if there were no criteria that bind them to each other, the switchboard could not perform its main task, that is to route calls. 

A good practice for configuring the switchboard is therefore to initially configure the individual blocks and then logically “join” them using the criteria mentioned above, criteria represented by the routing rules.

To get started with the configuration, you can focus on the incoming calls first, then the outgoing calls, but you can also reverse this process.

Incoming Calls

The typical flow of an inbound call will be:

  • the call arrives for the company number xyz, during office opening hours;
  • answers an IVR (automatic responder) that lists a series of choices, each of which routes to a group of users or to a single user;
  • if desired, the call must be routed to a voicemail box during company closure.

The different keywords (in bold) of the first two points are those on which attention must be focused in particular. Well, just consider those keywords in reverse order of the order of appearance and start the configuration. So you can proceed in this way:

  1. create users;
  2. create response groups;
  3. create an automatic responder scheduled for opening hours;
  4. create, if required, an automatic responder for closing times: you can decide to play a message and close the call, or route the call directly to a company voicemail that can be configured later during the routing wizard
  5. create an office opening timetable. It is sufficient to create only this one, since the closing table implicitly falls into all the time intervals not specified in the opening table;
  6. create a company number with relative routing rule by means of a wizard that indicates how to route calls for opening and closing times.
  7. through the wizard it will be possible to create those logical connections between the entities of the switchboard mentioned above

Outgoing Calls

The typical flow of an outgoing call will be:

  • the user calls a number (national, mobile or other) from their terminal
  • the PBX routes the call based on the recipient’s prefix on a gateway connected to a telephone line (ISDN line adapter, analogue, GSM or VoIP operator)

The keywords in this case are prefix and gateway, therefore, following the rule of the opposite order, you can configure:

  1. gateway (e.g. ex. Mediatrix, V-6019, GSM) and the VoIP operators they represent;
  2. the LCR to configure call routing based on prefixes


At the end of the described configurations, you can move on to the configuration of the gateways and hardware line adapters, and of the terminals. Obviously it will also be necessary to install and configure the client part of the VOIspeed system, ie the GUI, for which refer to the online manual, and the terminals (telephones and IP adapters).

What has been said in this article represents one of the many ways of configuring the PBX. Everyone can use the method they prefer, based on their experience, and also according to the information available, which is why it is certainly a good idea to carry out a detailed analysis of the required functions before diving blindly into the configuration.

In any case, if during a configuration step one of the functional entities of the PBX is not yet configured and available, the configuration wizards almost always allow (except in special cases) to create them in the run without exiting the procedure.